Anxiety? It's a bacterial problem, and it has a bacterial solution

(2 min read)

You wake up, and peer out the window, the sky monochrome and metallic ushers in another drab and dreary day. You sigh, and resign yourself to the overburdened and anxious thoughts you’ve become accustom too. Why can’t things just be easy and seamless?


The perennial positive mind killer.

We’ve all felt it, the little goblin in your head, with his hammer and chisel, chipping away at your sense of self. The doc said you’ve got a chemical imbalance in your brain, here’s a script for xanax, take it every day… great, another temporary solution.

But what if that temporary solution is not only temporary but also exacerbates the anxiety itself?

The condition of your digestive tract has a profound effect on your mood.

They are intimately connected through the Gut-Brain Axis.

Medication, of any kind, is processed in your digestive tract, and will proliferate certain bacteria in there that may be responsible for the anxiety you feel in the first place.

So, this is where you become your own doctor, nothing better than the feeling of finding a solution to your own problems. What if you had the knowledge to reverse engineer the problem and resolve it at the source?

It would be a good start, wouldn’t you say?

There are two strains of probiotics that have been tested and found to successfully help with anxiety, they are:

Lactobacillus helveticus R0052

Bifidobacterium longum R0175

(Check the bottom of the email to find where you can get any of the probiotics mentioned here)

Beyond just anxiety, there are a whole host of probiotics that can be used to address bacteria in the gut that is responsible for illnesses. Here is a quick list:

Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea - Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, when given at the same time as antibiotics, had a greater than 60% reduced risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

Alleviate Constipation - Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 - this will enhance bowel regularity.

Dental Health - Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, will help prevent cavities.

Finally, if you want to treat skin irritation, such as Eczema - Lactobacillus casei PXN 37

The following companies are reliable sources for all these probiotics and more…

  1. Pure Encapsulations ProbioMood

  2. Culturelle – USA, UK, Canada

  3. Ethical Nutrients – Australia

  4. Blackmores Digestive Bio Balance

If you are interested and want to learn more about a whole host of physical, mental, and spiritual health info and techniques, feel free to go to the following links:

See ya later LifeMaxxer
