The Disinformation Age

The outbreak of the war between Isreal and Palestine is like no other in recorded history, and that is because not a single picture we are shown can be trusted, is Israel faking them? Is Palestine?

It doesn’t really matter, the point is that this is just another layer of confusion preventing us making any sort of sense of the modern world.

We can already see this in ourselves and the people around us, we don’t really know and that confusion creates apathy, afterall why get worked up about things that may not even be real. If you’re a twitter user you’ll know that people can make up anything they please and everyone who think’s it’s believable will take it for fact going forwards, me and you included.

That same ideologically confused apathy, it will do in even greater effect what apathy has been doing for 80 years, watch the west slowly keel over, and die.

Raging about the corrupt bastards running that country, and this country and turning a blind eye to the crimes of that government over there because they say what you want to hear while doing something entirely different. All of this will get you no where, you’ll be trapped in a hall of mirrors hundreds of little nuggets of fake news flying at you from all sides either untrue or irrelevant.

You must remove yourself from this hellscrape and learn how to view life from a simultaneously grounded yet distanced perspective.

There are many good people pushing false narratives so place your faith in information that is firsthand and with a real ideally primary source. For example do as Jason Breshears, he has produced his chronology purely through books, not a single internet source out of the thousands he cites. I highly recommend his channel ARCHAIX, watch it and you will soon learn that this world is not what you think it is.

Take your own life situation to scenarios you consider. In the case of the Hamas Israel war, if you are an anglo australian, it doesn’t make a difference to your life and the people you know. The truth of the matter is that whatever opinion you have on the matter isn’t as objective as you think it is but was in fact placed there by those with a stake in the game.

Work on your health, your income, your network, making your city or village a better place rather that screaming someone else’s war out on the internet. A parallel community built by you and those similar is 100x as valuable to society as anything else you could focus on.

To understand the political world learn the nature of it, do this through reading books, anything from Thucydides, to Nietzsche to Steiner on the Spiritual planes. Then filter the facts of the world and anything you see online that cannot be faked through your elevated worldview to divine the truth of the matter.

Be wary of taking your views from any other place, everyone has an agenda and a bias, including this newsletter even if it may be an excellent and praiseworthy agenda.

The internet is full of hundreds of fascinating websites with incredible suppressed information on them, learn their url’s when you find them, search engines are designed nowadays to ignore them, no accident let me assure you. Indeed these websites must be spread about by you, download controversial pdf’s before they are scrubbed, it has already happened to many. :(

Fight disinformation tooth and claw, it is not about proving yourself right, reality is a nuanced place, it is simply about revealing and coming to understand the mind-shattering truth of histroy.

Good Luck