Put Your Hands Up And Step Away From The Diet Coke

Your brainstem implores you

(2 minute read)

You may love your diet coke, you may think its better than regular coke because you think at least I wont be obese and sweaty trying to grasp my podgy fingers around the steering wheel of my car as I drive home after drinking a barrel of corn syrup cola at cracker barrel.

In this instance, you may be right, but you are unfortunately rotting slowly rotting your brainstem because of the excitotoxins, namely aspartame, present in diet drinks.

What are Excitotoxins? Excitotoxins are a class of chemicals that overstimulate neuron receptors. They are commonly found in certain food additives like MSG (monosodium glutamate) and artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. These substances excite your brain cells to the point of damage or death, leading to various health issues.

Where Do We Find Them? Excitotoxins are prevalent in processed foods, often hidden under names like 'natural flavoring' (its not natural) or 'hydrolyzed vegetable protein.' These additives enhance the flavor of food products, making them more palatable but at a hidden cost to your precious god given brain.

The Health Risks The continuous consumption of excitotoxins can lead to significant health risks. They are linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS. These substances are particularly harmful to developing brains, potentially leading to learning difficulties and behavioral issues in children.

Why Should You Be Concerned? Our brains are sensitive to these chemicals. Regular consumption, especially in high amounts, can lead to a cumulative effect, increasing the risk of neurological damage. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of their presence in everyday foods.

Take Control of Your Health I encourage you to judiciously read the labels and know what the science words mean. Avoid products with MSG, aspartame, and similar additives.

Protect your brain, protect your health. Be a beautiful virile high IQ ephemeral polymath.

If you are interested and want to learn more about a whole host of physical, mental, and spiritual health info and techniques, feel free to go to the following links:

See ya later LifeMaxxer
