Welcome to the Art of Freehood

Welcome to the Art of Freehood

The Art of Freehood

My dear ladies and gentlemen, damsels y caballeros, Joan of Arcs and Richard Lionhearts, birds of a feather who flock together, thank you for signing up to my newsletter:

The Art of Freehood.

Some of you will be recent sign-ups while others would have joined this newsletter well over a year ago. My apologies for the lack of fruits it bore, for I receded behind the parapet, tangled in a web of extraordinary circumstances, my voice like a sleeping dragon was laid dormant by the dark night of the soul.

It is with great enjoyment and gratitude that you will read this and further newsletters.

So, let us get down to business.

There will be two newsletters a week:

1. The Art of Freehood

2. Excerpts from my book Memento Vivere

So, what is this unfamiliar word — Freehood?

I’m sure you’ve heard of “Freedom”, the state of physical liberty free from restraint. Freedom from prison, freedom from poverty, freedom from violence etc.

But, “Freehood” is something different. It is more subtle than freedom, but also far more profound.

One can be incarcerated deep in a dungeon with no chance of escape and still have Freehood.

The berserkers could be at the gates, and all manner of unspeakable monstrosities may be set to befall you, and you can still have Freehood.

Truly calamitous circumstances may have occurred in your life, the loss of your spouse, the death of a child, embarrassment, shame, grief, fear, all things that can draw you swirling down into the abyss, and IF you have Freehood, you can liberate yourself in mind and in heart from the cruel realities of life.

Freehood is a perception, an ‘innerstanding’ of yourself, stripped from all pretence and external inputs.

Freehood is mental and spiritual liberty, and with Freehood, no challenge in your life is unsurmountable.

I have had a great number of difficult situations entomb me, some so bizarre and extraordinary, so heart-wrenching, that they would make a great 8-part Netflix drama. What’s worse is they all happened at the same time.

If it wasn’t for the Art of Freehood, taught to me by my mentor, Anthroposophical lecturer and spiritual teacher, Florin Lowndes. I surely would not have made it back out of hades and into the light.

There are many techniques and perspectives to raise your awareness into a state of Freehood. These techniques fall into all three physical, mental, and spiritual realms, and together we will use them to carve out the life we were born to lead.

Your life is a grand narrative, you are the protagonist. Your experiences, both solar highs and chthonic lows, shape you and help you to go further.

Bring in the magic of reality and go towards your destiny.

This is the Art of Freehood.

See you on the next one.

I offer coaching and consultation for Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Transformation.

If you are interested and want to know more, you can respond to this email, or DM on Twitter: @discoorpheus.

We can book a free consultation call to discuss the ways in which I can help you become the physically dominant, mentally explorative, emotionally steadfast, and spiritually adept individual you were BORN TO BE.

If you would like to purchase my e-book, MEMENTO VIVERE, please press the link below.

(Physical copies coming soon)

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